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“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Matthew 18:20
To promote Christ-like fellowship/community among the families and staff of NHCS and to bring into closer relation the home and school so that parents, teachers and staff may cooperate in the spiritual, mental and physical development of our students. In doing so, PTF aims to set an example of servant leadership for the students and families it serves!
Parent Teacher Fellowship (“PTF”) is a wonderful ministry of the school that serves every student, parent, teacher and staff member of NHCS and is an integral piece of our community.
Led by parent volunteer, Hilari Queen, and consisting of a dedicated blend of parents and teachers all aiming to improve our school and our school experience through events and fundraisers.
Throughout the school year, PTF sponsors and hosts various activities and events that generate ample fun and wonderful fellowship opportunities for the entire school. In addition, PTF will provide unique and creative ways for students and parents to honor, recognize, support and encourage the remarkable group of teachers and staff at NHCS.
As a parent of a NHCS student and member of our extraordinary NHCS family, there are several ways to get involved and be a firsthand witness to the many fantastic things that will take place within our NHCS community this school year!
To get the latest PTF NEWS and keep up to date on WHAT'S HAPPENING check out our school's FaceBook page.
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